Smartphone Projects Ltd
White Label Apps

Blackpool Style Bingo

Blackpool Style Bingo is an always free play, online multiplayer notional token rewarding bingo app. An Android™ client connects with two Node apps, one a bingo server, the other a full featured login auth system. Bots are introduced to keep player numbers at a level viable for a competitive game, should player numbers be insufficient, and the app is set up that way.

To add feature and create more involvement, the app token can also be sent by app users to other app users, and similarly received.

The project as a package provides for multiple use cases. For example, where commercial users want to focus the attention of potential customers, by offering product discounts for tokens whilst displaying scheduled advertisements between games. In this scenario players seeking to accrue more tokens to achieve a discount, are necessarily exposed to further advertising.

The app might also suit the purposes of social organizations where bingo is traditionally played outside of a context where money changes hands. The app is not offered for conversion to a gambling product.

Available for Android, licensed derivatives of this app are offered for sale to commercial users for around £20 000 with an estimated lead time of around 6 weeks. Running costs are negligble. The app is available to non profits with a discount.

Bingo app, login screen. Bingo app, account screen. Bingo app, player number grid. Bingo app, game numbers called display.

Time Shift App

Time Shift App is a working prototype designed to enable casual / zero hours workers to inform managers of their availability for a period of time ahead, and managers to easily access that information. Alternatively, the app could be coded so that managers offer shifts, and workers signal availability.

The project's core code is written and ready to go. The app is presented as a customizable product for organizational users. It has two user tiers and is supplied as two separate apps, one for management and one for workers.

Workers set their availability for a period of time ahead using an efficient slider system. The period of time ahead can be set for any amount of time into the future, and will be relative to the current date. Manager tier users are able to access the availability data of worker tier users. The prototype app is set up as invite only.

Available for Android, licensed derivatives of this app are offered for sale to commercial users for around £20 000 with an estimated lead time of around 6 weeks. Running costs are negligble. The app is available to non profits with a discount.

Time Shift App, login screen. Time Shift App, add a worker. Time Shift App, view worker availability. The slider system for setting availability on single date or multiple dates.


A4 CV enables the production of a viable A4 CV in PDF format using a smartphone, a device not well suited for such purpose - yet that might be all a user has available. The app enables the incorporation of a user image into the output document.

Custom variants of this app are offered as recruitment or application tools, the form system collecting user data as the user might input it, including their image if the app is set up to ask for it, and then securely forwarding the data in an easily read PDF format to the app owner / operator.

Available for Android, licensed derivatives of this app are offered for sale to commercial users for around £3 000 with an estimated lead time of around 4 weeks. Running costs are negligble. The app is available to non profits with a discount.

A4CV post activation launch screen. A4CV, an output document. A4CV, personal details screen. A4CV, add a job screen.