Smartphone Projects Ltd
Book to App Service

Book to App Service - your manuscript made into an Android™ app, from just £350.

Turning manuscripts into apps provides authors with another way of distributing their work. Smartphone Projects has developed a book to app framework that results in apps with variable length "pages" rendered dependent on device screen size and user selectable font. The framework also delivers the work of the author in a simpler long scroll format, this user selectable as an alternative to the page at a time format. Audiobook output is included as part of the package deal by utilizing text to speech technology.

Service price will depend on the amount of work involved with each book to app project readying the input text / material, and whether the result is an installable to device apk file or if it published to a store.

Book to app framework, an example launch screen / cover. Book to app framework, setting screen. A page rendered using a particular font and size. A page rendered using a particular font and size.

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